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We used to accept the rule who taught us before, but we did not realize what we could do to make the rule better or breakable. Unfortunately, we always obey the rule, like bible, just fellow what the others people do. I never consider the solution to solve this conception, especially Chinese people stand in awe of the limited instruction. How can we not be afraid of challenging rules? In my point of view, we need to think more and ask more.  


I‘m learning English teaching theories now, and I am serious about the education that we had taught before would be different nowadays. I hope that our next generation to learn more thinking to find the new answers, they are capable of result form their thinking. I realized that it is time to change the process of education system; Students are welcome to raise questions and ask for an answer in class and teachers are happy to reply to the best of their knowledge and encourage students to ask “Why?” Maybe the questions obvious easy or not, they must doubt of anything that taught in course, because it is the right way to understand about knowledge form core of theories. I know that everyone would doubt how dare I challenge the rule in class? But you know the rules are breakable and changeable, the theories are not a hundred per cent right. Asking about more questions allows students to have more comments, after instructing or discussing with teachers, they would master the important of conceptions. Break though raising questions to get their own inner learning; they would create a new whole world.


We often hear about serious people criticized the young people didn’t use their mind or brain; however, the key point is we limited and eliminated what student want to innovate and create ; sometime, some one would mock at their classmates who raise a simple or stupid question, and then they would become unconfident and silent. Teacher must be playing an important role in student life; it is a life-changing opportunity for a questioner. I hope that the educationists grow up with student and try to help them. I’m really getting understand what the true definition of teaching and what effective way of guiding student. Not only students but also teachers are breaking the rule, and then rebuild it. We are going to achieve the same goal.

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DSCN5272.JPG I think that t he different culture make foreigners feel confused and find out that some traditional ceremonies let newcomers think weird. Because the foreigners or newcomers are not realizing what is the meaning of cultural background. This kind of cultural impacts are always happening around in our life. I saw three scenarios in the movie were shocked me a lots, there are“ The boy sat on the leading actors’ leg without his permission.”, “You could not allow using you left hand to eat while you were traveling in India.”   DSCN5274.JPGHave you think about a stranger who sat on your leg without your permission? The boy, who gave his seat to leading actor, was really the nice way to treat visitor. I believe that this sweet action makes tourists to feel appreciatively. Next scene, the boy sat on his thigh after he took the seat. May be Indian are suitable to do this, but to others might feel uncomfortable. In this case, the boy thought that I gave my seat to you, so we are close;  why can I not sit on your leg? I observe that if I sat on a strange, he or she would push me away and get anger. DSCN5280.JPGEating by your left hand is a usual thing in our country, but it is not the right way to do in India culture. I wonder why I cannot use my left hand to eat. According to their custom, the left hand is unsanitary to eat; they use of left hand in restroom. The left hand situation reminds me of an experience I once had when I traveled in Malaysia. I did not know that I could not use fingers except thumb to point things. Nobody told me that before, so when I saw locals did the same gesture in different way; I knew I wrong, and then I imitated their gesture; it is the way to go. I wonder why I only could use thumb to point things, the guider told me about the religious culture. At least, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. I believe that this gesture makes me to respect their cultural custom. I conclude that every culture has their background and meaning. If really do not know that just ask or do as local, you should not be unique or offending. The most important is to give your respects to different cultures.

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DSCN1362.JPG Autobiography

     I think that you might ask “who is Ryan?” So, let me introduce Ryan to you. I would like to say he is a easygoing, thoughtful and humorous person. Ryan likes to go to jogging and traveling; by the way he is also sincere in his love for taking some photographs. In his free time, he enjoys listening to music and his favor music is Jazz. He is a process engineer who works at electric products corporation and a student who goes to school at Yan-Ze University.

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